About nine years ago, a handful of Jesus followers with minimal resources, prayed for a “God-sized” project; something so big and so impossible that only He could receive credit for its accomplishment. We did not know what the project might be. We prayerfully watched to see where God was working so we could get behind him. What we saw were neighbors, friends and family members who, like drowning people, are being swept away by the next inescapable wave of addiction. God has given us a deep love for these people, and a vision for how He wants to help them. Eagles Wings Ministries has emerged as a response to get behind what God is doing: a mighty work in setting captives free. We are walking by faith and allowing God to reveal the next step in His time.
The need for intensive addiction recovery services in Southeast Alaska is documented. The toll of chemical dependence on health, family stability, employment and public safety is immeasurable. Addiction poisons relationships and passes emotional pain and disabilities on to following generations. Addiction steals, destroys and takes life-one choice at a time. And addiction affects everyone, at some time, in some way.
There is no residential recovery center for women on Prince of Wales Island and there is no extended stay (9-12 months) residential recovery setting in Southeast Alaska. Outpatient services are available but limited and the need far exceeds capacity. People seeking help for addiction may opt to leave the island, waiting for space in a treatment center elsewhere in the state. Leaving the island for treatment often means limited or no aftercare, returning to families who aren’t involved in the recovery process. Cost is often a barrier which prevents people from getting help. Our services are offered at no cost. Eagles Wings Ministries expects to serve people from Prince of Wales Island and beyond with Recovery through Discipleship.
Recovery through Discipleship combines two God-ordained models to support people seeking freedom from addiction: the family and the early church. Consider this model: an individual in search of hope and a new life free from addiction becomes ready to surrender their old life-choices to God and follow Jesus Christ. These “Seekers” come to Eagles Wings Ministries via referral from a pastor or church. Choices are a vital component of recovery through discipleship so court-ordered treatment is not viewed as a good fit with our program. If needed, a 30-day medical detox must be completed before entering Eagles Wings.
Residences are homes where 2 Seekers live with a mature married Christian couple to support and mentor them. These are Barnabas Volunteers.
A typical day for Seekers is shaped around an individualized recovery plan. Each person participates in personal and group Bible study; developing healthy relationships, life skills, social skills and vocational skills; productive and meaningful work or service in the community; educational tutoring, and individual, family or group counseling. All the family/Seeker groups come together for a communal dinner daily, followed by a time of worship. Other activities include participation by all in the rural Alaskan lifestyle of fishing, gathering firewood and growing and harvesting food with an eye to self-sustainability.
Seeker-disciples have 1:1 support available to them at all times, providing a depth of connection and opportunities to practice their new life skills in a grace-filled environment.