Standing in the Gap

Dear friends and prayer warriors,

Where would we be without God’s grace and peace?

We are engaged in spiritual warfare at all times, but sometimes it’s more apparent than others. As Myrn noted, “the enemy has really been afoot.” As the trials mount, we’re encouraged that our God is also on the move and particularly where Eagles Wings Ministries is concerned. But your prayers are desperately needed.

Dave, a geneous and gentle man in our community who has nearly died trying to get sober, is now in Anchorage where doctors are trying to stem internal bleeding. It’s uncertain whether he’ll make it back home.

Karen, a creative and caring woman broken by violence and chemical abuse is in perilous shape, but continues to use. Karen comes to the church when in crisis but every time the challenge of surrender is greater than she can handle and she slips back into the darkness.

Our own 24 yr old son, Manny experiences untreated schizophrenic symptoms and is trying to drink himself to death as the only alternative to the torment he experiences day to day.

Dave, Karen and Manny know Jesus at some level but all are in the grips of lies and destruction. Having lost several people in our small community to the ravages of chemicals, and with Eagles Wings Ministries so close to starting up this fall, it’s as though the enemy snears at our efforts to help them find freedom. Pray that God will snatch them from the brink of death and give them another chance and a sober mind to choose him.

But all glory to God! he has saved an entire family–dad, mom and 3 children–who are beautifully growing in Christ! Pray for their protection and their walk in him.

Leadership of Eagles Wings Ministries also needs your prayers. In recent months and right up to today, we have experienced loss of loved ones; income reduction; serious health challenges; broken hearts over family; weariness and fatigue and yes, even addiction. Ernie is in the the burn unit at Providence Hospital for injuries to his face and hands. Myrn is in her final–and perhaps most demanding–semester before graduation.

We give glory to God for providing, sustaining, healing and lifting us up and molding us to the perfect likeness of Jesus through every season. “Therefore we do not lose heart.Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)

God bless you for standing in the gap!

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